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乔治敦法学院赢得2024年大选.C. 杯模拟法庭比赛




After three rounds of arguments spanning two weekends, 乔治城大学法律中心击败了其他五个法学院团队,赢得了2024年的D.C. 杯模拟法庭比赛 at the D.C. 2月23日上诉法院.

这场竞赛汇集了华盛顿特区法学院的一些最聪明的人才, 但乔治城大学法学院的2L学生泰勒·维尔贾斯特和朱莉·达伊奇在最后一轮中击败了美国天主教大学哥伦布法学院的利亚·罗登贝瑞和杰拉尔德·夏普. 夏普获得最佳演说家奖, 而美国大学华盛顿法学院则获得了最佳摘要奖.


为上诉人辩护, Viljaste解决了这个案件带来的智力和道德挑战, emphasizing the educational value of arguing from both perspectives. “我们讨论这个话题时,最难的部分是把我个人对这个话题的偏见放在一边,为双方戴上‘热心拥护者’的帽子,维尔贾斯特说. “然而, 这是一次很有帮助和教育意义的经历,因为, in preparing to advocate for either side, you get a better sense of the strengths and weaknesses of both, 无论你代表谁,你都可以将其纳入你的辩护中.”

代表被上诉人, 夏普的目的是平衡法律论据和主题的严重性. “这是一个棘手的案子. 悲剧意味着需要追究相关人员的责任。. “我认为,法律明确规定,本案的被告不应承担责任, 所以你试图以一种承认犯罪的可怕本质的方式来表达这一点.”

The hypothetical case also left 夏普 conflicted personally. “I think I keep flip-flopping back and forth. 每次我上去,我都说服自己我是对的,我的立场是对的. Maybe that’s a bit of confirmation bias. If you told me to give you my real opinion, 这是一个相近的答案, but that’s what makes it a good moot court problem,他说.
Roddenberry, representing the appellee with 夏普, 她以流畅的语言和在法庭上的强势表现赢得了法官的支持. 为她, 比赛中最精彩的部分是掌握了对语气和方式的控制, as well as effectively representing her client's interests. “我最喜欢的部分是学会在上诉法庭上进行有说服力的辩论,”她说.
对于Roddenberry, 本案最具挑战性的方面是上诉人因其子女的死亡而遭受的悲剧性伤害. “Especially having to represent the appellee in the final round, 我必须在表现同情和尊重的情况下取得完美的平衡,同时也要为我们的客户提供强有力的法律论据,”她说。.

The teams argued before Judge Loren L. 美国的阿里汗.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, D.C. Solicitor General Caroline Van Zile, and D.C. 澳博app公会主席Charles R. 阴暗的小.

“I think it gets harder every year. The teams are so excellent,” Van Zile said. “他们今年太棒了.”

AliKhan agreed, saying, “[The deciding factor] was razor thin. If we could have awarded a tie, I think we would have.”

Before the winners were announced, the judges provided feedback for each of the team members, starting with the duo from 天主教.
夏普, 根据评委的说法, had a natural way of speaking in court, 让它更像是一场对话,而不是一场正式的法庭大战. 评委们指出,他善于坚持自己的主要观点,但在必要时也能迅速转换话题, 炫耀在上诉法律工作中很难掌握但又必须具备的高级澳博app技能.

Roddenberry, 另一方面, commanded the courtroom with her measured pace and commanding presence. Despite a slightly unclear start, 她很快站稳了脚跟, presenting her arguments with increasing clarity and impact. 评委们说,她巧妙地运用了一个假设场景,大大加强了她的地位, drawing a clear distinction between “could” and “would,” which resonated powerfully with the judges, both rhetorically and substantively.
乔治城大学的Dajci在演讲开始时与评委们进行了一段引人入胜的来回对话, facilitated by the innovative use of a Venn diagram. 他的谈话方式, 他熟练地处理了法官的提问,并有组织地回到了他的提纲, ensured a comprehensive coverage of his arguments, exemplifying effective courtroom strategy and communication.
Viljaste承认了上诉人一方的弱点,但在他的论述中保持了坚实的结构, continuously referring to his outline. The judges deemed this consistency a strategic triumph. Viljaste’s’ emphasis on federalism and his insightful analysis of 索托v. 巨蝮枪支, 除此之外,他还能在面对棘手问题时有效地引导话题, 对法律原则有细致入微的理解,在压力下有出色的敏捷思维能力, 评委们说.
When asked how his team prepared for the final round, Dajci说, “We had some really good coaches that helped keep us on track.”

Expressing their gratitude to both their coaches and the D.C. 酒吧, Dajci and Viljaste said the D.C. 杯模拟法庭比赛 had been a marvelous experience. “与其他学生竞争,从他们的风格中学习,(帮助)调整了我自己的风格,并基于另一所学校的惊人天赋,提出了自己的观点. 我认为这是一个非常强大的一年,基于我们面对的球队,”Viljaste说.

The competition, organized by the D.C. 酒吧的社区, 是哥伦比亚特区六所法学院的邀请活动. 除了乔治敦大学, 天主教, 和美国的, other competing schools were Howard University School of Law, George Washington University Law School, and University of the District of Columbia David A. 克拉克法学院.

“在整个比赛中, I was amazed at how hardworking and talented all the students were,帕梅拉·罗宾逊想道。, D主任.C. 酒吧的社区. “我认为可以肯定地说,这些未来的澳博app将是这个行业的精彩补充.”
安吉拉·麦基-拉特利奇是乔治梅森大学安东宁·斯卡利亚法学院的学生.C. 酒吧 writer in residence for 2023–2024.


D.C. 高等法院


高等法院 Amends Civil, Criminal Procedure 规则

6月10日,哥伦比亚特区高等法院发布了第24-02号颁布令,修订了《澳博app下载网》, 6, 15, 和第84条以及修订刑事诉讼规则的第24-03号颁布令, 45, 和62年.

Sadina Montani


萨迪娜·蒙塔尼当选民主党候选人.C. 酒吧当选总统

Sadina Montani, a partner at Crowell & Moring LLP, has been elected president-elect of the D.C. 2024-2025年任期. 蒙塔尼将从7月1日开始担任该职位一年,然后于2025年成为总统. With Montani’s installation, incumbent President-Elect Shaun M. Snyder will become the 酒吧’s 53rd president.
